Saturday, September 29, 2007

Attapinya, Fair Trade Jewelry and Yoga Mat Bags

Attapinya is a privately owned online boutique of Yoga-inspired jewelry and bags produced in alignment with the globally conscious principles of the Fair Trade Federation and Co-op America. Founded in 2004, Attapinya designs were created by Thai native Aphinya Deley, former professional dancer for one of Thailand’s largest companies whose travels in Thailand and the South Pacific introduced her to all forms of beauty in cultures, nature, and people along her journey. Channeling her eclectic background into Attapinya jewelry, each collection is created from the inspiration of the common threads found at the core of all beauty – inner peace, unique self, and the infinite Om. These global symbols are the focal point of every stunning piece and either stand alone in their pure forms or are adorned with semi-precious stones in the colors of the seven chakras. Each piece is labeled with the understanding of the symbols’ meaning and the seven chakras, offering the wearer a reminder to balance one’s desires and lead a happier and more spiritual life along personal destiny.

Introduced to the spiritual practice of Yoga at a young age, Deley quickly became fascinated and fell in love with the natural movement of the body. Her deep love for the Anusara style, “movement of grace” in its English translation, is the birthplace of her elegant silk Yoga bags. Honoring the unique soul of every being, each design is a one of a kind creation intended for the Yogi that is specifically drawn to its vibrant colors and traditional Thai design. Created from the finest Thai silk, Attapinya Yoga bags are a durable and radiant accessory for Yogis at any point in their spiritual journey.

An ardent supporter of the Fair Trade Federation and Coop America, Deley is committed to promoting positive and substantive change in the global economy by paying skilled artisans fair compensation to create economic self-sufficiency in low-income areas, especially her homeland. The result of these socially responsible business standards completes the circle of global harmony as this beautiful collection of jewelry and Yoga bags enhance the lifestyle of not just the Yogi consumer, but the artisans that create them. Good karma is bestowed upon all Attapinya wearers.

Attapinya Designs are available at and include: Yoga bags, bracelets, earrings, and necklaces.

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